The 4L Life

At Mountain View Bible Church, we focus on 4 questions that guide our course/growth as a church body.

Am I Learning from Jesus?

We believe that the best way to begin or develop your relationship with Jesus Christ is to learn from Him.  One way we learn from Jesus is to be with others who are also learning.  This happens best within groups and classes as we focus on the teachings and truth statements of Jesus.  

Am I Living in Jesus

One result of learning from Jesus is that we live in Jesus.  This means we have the truths and teaching of Jesus working in our lives, and we act out those truths where we live, learn, work, and play.  Living in Jesus is when Jesus is King of our life, and our everyday lives reflect Him.  

Am I Loving through Jesus?

When we are learning from Jesus and living in Jesus, a natural result will be loving through Jesus.  Loving through Jesus happens when we reach out to our community as a church, and as individuals we reach out to our coworkers and neighbors and within our personal relationships with the love of Jesus.  

Am I Leading to Jesus?

Leading people to Jesus is a tremendous privilege we have as Christ followers. We have the privilege of watching a life become transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.  There are many ways we can lead to Jesus, such as having conversations and serving others in the name of Jesus and through discipleship. Even our reactions to life can reflect toward Jesus.
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